
Thursday, 13 September 2012

Sept. 13 Class

Learning Goals: Understand the innovations of the Renaissance period, particularly the development of linear perspective.

Today we finished up the critique of the popcorn drawings.  Thank you all for participating, both in showing your work and in providing feedback for others.

I asked that everyone fill out one of these forms and submit it with your work.

Popcorn drawing critique

Next we discussed some of the readings from yesterday on the Renaissance.  We discussed the idea of humanism and how it influenced the work of artists.  We also focused on the rules of perspective discovered by Brunelleschi and used by many artists afterwards.  I then discussed what some of these rules were.  You can download and review the powerpoint as well as the handout here:

Rules of linear perspective powerpoint

Handout on linear perspective

I then presented you with the challenge of creating a drawing using two point perspective.  Each of you were to go around the school and find a location to draw.  Your drawing must use two point perspective to create a realistic, recognizable space with depth.  Secondly, you must put at least one organic object into this space.  It could be a person, animal or inanimate object from your own imagination, but it must sit realistically in that space.

Homework for today is to find the space that you wish to draw and start a preliminary sketch.

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